Kindle The Classroom

Kindle The Classroom
28 Oct 12

There is sometimes talk about the great benefits of brining the Amazon Kindle into schools, specially with the recently unveiled Whispercast. I don't have a doubt in my mind that the solution offered by Amazon, in this case, is quite capable and functions well. My problem, such as it is, is of a different nature all together.

If we look at the Kindle, it's a device built for a singular purpose; to read texts. Sure, you can have some grayscale images as well, but that is pretty much the extent of the multi-media capabilities. It really is the technological refinement of the book, in so much that it enables us to carry a small library around without any problem, but not going anything beyond what a book is capable of doing. Fine for what it is, but not something that fundamentally changes education in any way, shape or form. It's still a textbook, just one in a digital format.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are problems with availability of books for languages other than the ones Amazon has chosen to allow for the time being. I have a feeling that in my neck of the woods it would be close to impossible to have a Kindle as a device for school use, and not only because Amazon doesn't operate up here in the cold north. This is definitely not a problem that exists on other platforms, such as iOS, Android and Windows.

Looking at a proper tablet computer, on the other hand, we see far more possibilities for an enhanced learning. These devices go far beyond the good, but limited, approach of the Kindle. Rich in color, able to display high-resolution graphics such as animations, videos and photos, coupled with interactive elements that make learning an even better experience. Pick an iPad, choose the Surface, or heck, even an Android tablet (assuming there are a lot of educational apps for them) and you'll be better off. At least theoretically, as Windows 8 RT still is very new and educational apps, to my knowledge at least, haven't taken off on Android yet. But the potential is very much there!

Luddites would probably love us to keep any new technology out of the classroom, just as we have heard the cries over the years "ban the pocket calculator in schools". Utterly moronic, if you ask me. Why not use the technological progress to our collective advantage, instead of creating a truly virtual world inside the confines of schools where we pretend it doesn't exist? Schools should reflect reality, and in reality there are a lot of computers of the tablet kind, most likely there will be a lot more of them in the future too.

Things change and schools need to keep up with society at large, or we'll just be digging a huge hole for future generations to fall into. Giving kids Kindles I cannot see being a huge improvement in any way except in that the schoolbag might weigh less.



Robert Falck

Robert is a freelance tech writer from Sweden. You can follow his posts here on the British Tech Network, listen to him yap away on the British Tech iOS Show and read even more of his stuff on his site or you can even follow him on twitter @streakmachine.


Robert Falck


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