Will Green brings his unique theories on the potential for the iPod in the coming months, Don's table rocks now he has kindly given us a Mac Pro and Foresman knows WAY to much about G-Strings
Ewen Rankin @ewenrankin
Don McAllister @donmcallister www.screencastsonline.com
Andrew Stephens - Dr Happy Mac @drhappymac www.doctorhappymac.co.uk
Chris Foresman @foresmac
Will Green @BritishMac) www.worldofwill.com
Sir Patrick Stewart joined Twitter. @sirpatstew
Mountain Lion is coming. See screencastsonline for installation tips.
Is the iPod brand name dead? What if the iPod Nano was more like the Pebble watch?
Chris Foresman has written an article on recycling batteries.
Piper Jaffrey study claims 65% of phone owners plan to buy and iPhone next year.
IOS 6 message suggesting that perhaps ISP's may charge for face time.
Don McAllister - Free IOS 3D mapping app of London. Recce 3d. Other Cities to follow.
Andrew Stephens - Downcast £1.99
Chris Foresman - Other world computing launches SSD modules for Macbook air.
Will Green - Mail tab app.
Ewen Rankin - Hover bar. £70
Gazmaz tip - Drilling down with list view.