This a list of the links referenced in the iOS Show when running through the news stories, trouble gusset section and links to picks. This show mainly revolves around Malware and Trojan worries in iOS.
Paul Wheatley – @paulwheatley
Rodti MacLeary – @rodti
Robert Falck – @streakmachine
Ian Mackay – @maniacyak
Apple asks sellers of iOS Beta access to kindly bugger off (and stop doing it)
First “malware” on the iOS App Store
Hacker exploits in-app-purchase flaw
Smaller iPad Costing "Significantly Less" Than $499 Coming This Fall, According to NYT
iPhone 5 coming on August 7th, according to
Mophie Juice Pack
Mophie iPad
Rodti: Big Words - 69p
Ian: Tweetbot for Mac
Robert: Robot Wants Kitty - 0p
Paul: Axure 6.5
Paul Wheatley