In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Warner Bros thinks you will enjoy watching and renting movies from F Play
In this weeks episode Chris Dick is back from his working vacation, Kyle is back from the dead and Alex and Ewen co Play
Chris Dick joins Ewen Rankin for a discussion on the Weeks Photography News (not that there is much to discuss) and Play
We talk all the weeks Apple News starting with Will Green's Curry House epxeriences. New MacBook Pros, Death of the Play
Ewen Rankin is joined by Erik Lanigan of the TWiT Network, Sarah Gray, Troy King and Dr Happy Mac...Andrew Stephens Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....So are Apple working on a Television now?, Samsung TV streaming only Play
It’s all about size for Apple as the inches rumor game continues for the iPad and iPhone, Your social media unive Play
In this weeks episode Ewen and Kyle are on their own as they discuss all the photography tech news of the week incl Play
In your Friday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Is the Microsoft ZUNE dying or just being renamed?, Comcast is taking Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Boxee Box showed us so much love on Valentines day by giving Netflix Play
In this weeks episode Alex is back, and he, Ewen and Kyle wonder how to they can afford anything in the new Hasselb Play
In this weeks Bagel Tech SOUND.....Dingsaller MIDI workspace for iPad, Native Instruments introduces the Audio 8 an Play
In your Friday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Will the Apple TV be game compatible in the upcoming iOS 4.3 update?, Play
BAFTA Game Nominations are out, Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate is out, VMWARE on Windows is just plain OUT, Play
Dell Yawns its way through a business oriented presentation. EU Newspapers claim the Apple Subscription Model is un Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Looks like has decided to start charging for their service, Play
BBC iPlayer app is coming Thursday will need wifi to watch, The Xperia Play has a UK release date in April accordin Play
In this weeks episode we once again have Chris Dick from , We wonder why Nikon might be makin Play
We talk Sony, Bing stealing Google & the Parting of the Android OS. We talk a whole lot more too...have a liste Play
This week, we discuss the crazy prices of second hand Macs on EBAY and yes, we find a MacMini which is about to sel Play