O2 Scraps the tethering charge...but the data charges hum...be careful! Windows Phone 7 to dominate Apple iOS by 20 Play
Quite possibly the most random broadcast the network has ever performed...but equally one of the most enjoyable. Play
The iPad 2 Launch is on Friday and you'll be queuing right while we're broadcasting. But you could still win. Send Play
With @DonMcAllister, @EwenRankin, @BritishMac, @MarkSunner & DrHappyMac. Lots to discuss with iPad2 review, App Play
Don McAllister is in the queue at the Apple Store on 5th Avenue, Will Green is on a borrowed Mic with no video (if Play
Swedes drop stamps for text messages, 8 Texts per day may help you stop smoking, Instaprint Printer gives you polar Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Warner Bros thinks you will enjoy watching and renting movies from F Play
Thanks to a very kind Mark Sunner and Graham Cluley, we discuss the current state of the Mac Trojan/Virus and the p Play
The Bagel Tech Mac Crew welcomes home the wandering Mac Man who is Don McAllister full of stories of voyages to far Play
Torrent Soup in Bristol loose the Long Arm of the Law, Vodafone has the outage blues, Sophos discovers the OS X Tro Play
We talk all the weeks Apple News starting with Will Green's Curry House epxeriences. New MacBook Pros, Death of the Play
Ewen Rankin is joined by Erik Lanigan of the TWiT Network, Sarah Gray, Troy King and Dr Happy Mac...Andrew Stephens Play
HTC Cha Cha and Salsa will be here on the 17th June, HTC Flyer is the same and will be €499, Blockbuster is up fo Play
UK Carriers discount the iPad, Apple issuing a new on on March 2nd? Apple to issue New MacBook Pros tomorrow with 1 Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....So are Apple working on a Television now?, Samsung TV streaming only Play
Apple under investigation by the DoJ & and the FTC, Google Android Marketplace is rising fast - 861% growth, Ap Play
We are joined by a stirling fellow, Security Guru Mark Sunner (who agrees with Ewen so can't be all bad, Erik Lanig Play
In your Friday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Is the Microsoft ZUNE dying or just being renamed?, Comcast is taking Play
In your Tuesday edition of Bagel Tech Media....Boxee Box showed us so much love on Valentines day by giving Netflix Play
We answer a question on Battery Life in Macs and we find you an alternative to the Apple $$$ Then we generally ador Play