This week, we have the special talents of British Mac's Will Green with us and we discuss the weeks photography new Play
For those of you who would like to show to be an hour...I'm trying We discuss all things Mac. The New Final Cut Pro Play
We discuss Bridge Cameras, the merits, the drawbacks and the hype and plenty more Kyle Swager, Alex G Fox & Ewe Play
Not surprisingly, Apple News is a little thin on the ground this week We get the lowdown from our man at WWDC, Don Play
We talk the weeks Camera and Photography news including the Pentax GPS and the iPhone Camera thanks to iOS5 Kyle Sw Play
Finally there is some Apple News to talk about thanks to the Keynote delivered by Uncle Steve and his colleagues. O Play
The Film vs Digital debate rolls on, Ewen Gets a new lens and we answer your questions on Photography Join Ewen, Al Play
So the Mac Crew sit and debate whats happening at WWDC in the coming week. What fantastic news Uncle Steve will hav Play
New Boy Chris Foresman joins the team from Chicago and slots right in. Old stagers Fox and Rankin provide the balls Play
Mac Malware...again, AMOLED Screens for iPad 3, Suing a young boy and Lots more Will Green, Andrew Stephens, Kyle S Play
Andy Ihnatko joins the team for his monthly appearance on the Network (and as usual perhaps regrets it afterwards) Play
With an Apple News drought the wheels come of a bit and through the whole podcast we all sit with breath baited for Play
Quite possibly the most random of shows in a long time. Robert X Cringely, long time columnist and tech pundit join Play
We talk all the news of the week from Apple New iMacs, Thunderbolt, iOS 4.3.3, Apple v Samsung, Location Data Stora Play
Kyle is GOT! Yes the problems of not reading the questions before you ask them hits the big man this week and Alex Play
The weeks technology news (and there isnt much of any note) is chewed over by Ewen Rankin, Erik Lanigan, Dane Golde Play
Erik Lanigan, Kyle Swager, James Hart, Sarah Gray & Ewen Rankin discuss the ins and outs of the weeks tech news Play
We make the choice of Macbook Air vs Hackintosh and where the sales are coming from. Is spaces on the iPad and evol Play
Erik Lanigan, Carey Holzman, Sarah Gray & Kyle Swager join Ewen Rankin for a run through the weeks news for the Play