Ewen has the twitch to switch from Canon to Nikon...His wife may disagree. Alex has a moment of agreement with Ewen Play
HP drop an HP-Bomb just an hour before we record and even Googorola's Merger Marriage can't top a tech company laun Play
Lots of News this week and Andy Ihnatko joins the usual team of Don McAllister, Kyle Swager, Alex Fox and Ewen Rank Play
The Riots in the UK have dominated the news this week and we look at the tech angle from stealing screens in bettin Play
A Nightmare of Audio has meant that the first 4 minutes of the show are very distorted. My Apologies, but after tha Play
Are Phones killing the digital compact market, Is Lumix the best DSLR on the market (or a DSLR at all) Will Alex ev Play
There is little or nothing of interest in the news this week but Don delivers a perfect tip to hide you sensitive.. Play
Why are SSDs so damn expensive? Lively and silly debate teases out a few reasons. British Copyright Law is under sc Play
Photography Guru/Buffoon Will Green joins Alex Fox, Chris Foresman, Kyle Swager and Ewen Rankin for another round Play
iPhone 5 is on/off/on/off. We talk Rumours. Lion gets a little bit of a drubbing, Apple buying Barnes and Noble to Play
National and Local Government IT Spending comes under OUR spotlight, The Japanese Manufacturers have a very poor qu Play
Chris, Alex and Ewen all Join host Kyle Swager for a run through the weeks photography news and your questions. Thi Play
Will's Astrological predictions come crashing down around the £10 he now owes Steve Naybour, Andrew's August predi Play
Data Roaming come under the spotlight and we look at the position of many of the large carriers and the differences Play
We have a full panel this week with Chris Foresman from Ars Technica, Kyle Swager, Alex G Fox and Ewen Rankin We ta Play
Don McAllister has throws a sickie after a rough holiday and Will, Kyle, Ewen & Andrew manfully brave a complet Play
Apple hits 3rd in the US PC sales market and we ask what is everyone else doing about it. Amazon may be releasing a Play
The Bash was in full swing and all the usual suspects from the Mac Show stayed over for the Foto Show and a good ti Play
Through some dreadful audio issues this weekend, we try and bring you a normal show, sorry for any deficiencies Nik Play
So with all the audio issues we had on Friday, its a wonder we got anything out at all, but we managed Will explain Play