Siri will make its long-anticipated debut on Mac in OS X 10.12 later this year. Google Accelerated Mobile Pages has Play
Linux Mint ISO has been hacked! Google cleans up search results. Samsung Pay racks up 5 million users. Facebook Mes Play
Skype now supports group video calling on iOS and Android. Facebook and Twitter take firm stance alongside Apple in Play
UK wants Google to test its self-driving cars in London. Google has a new VR headset coming. Facebook’s free Basi Play
Canonical's new Ubuntu tablet can also be your PC. CEO Mark Zuckerberg predicts 5 billion Facebook users by 2030. G Play
Google plans to beam 5G internet from drones. Facebook's Live Video goes live for everyone. Is Facebook gonna take Play
Amazon building a 'Spotify killer' music service? Pandora's iOS app has got a much-needed facelift. Apple recalls s Play
Prime Music Stations are now in the U.K. iPhone 7 Plus Likely to Have Dual-Lens Camera. Lumia covers with secondary Play
WhatsApp is ditching its annual subscription fee. Apple has finally acknowledged the battery percentage bug. Pakist Play
CES 2016 drew more than 170,000 attendees. Facebook is reportedly making a Messenger app for Mac. Get ready to run Play
Silicon Valley's biggest technology firms have criticised a new UK surveillance law. Time Warner Cable says up to 3 Play
Amazon UK is offering customers loans. Introducing the Samsung's smart fridge. Brand new Wi-Fi standard reaches twi Play
Facebook mistakenly congratulated 46 years of friendship. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Said to Have 256GB Option? Activision Play
Apple is offering free next-day delivery on December 23 in the US. Plex’s media streaming app is now free for Xbo Play
Bing completely redesigns iOS app. YouTube Kids is now available outside the US. Apple Watch wireless charging dock Play
Apple says it’s against opening encrypted data for Britain. Virgin Media to increase bundle prices by up to £4. Play
Apple's music app makes the jump to Android Facebook has quietly introduced a new feature to Messenger that makes s Play
Facebook must stop tracking non-users in Belgium. Snapchat's video viewing triples in just six months. Comcast leak Play
London police arrest second teenager over TalkTalk data breach. Samsung has officially revealed its supersized 18.4 Play
YouTubers not to happy about YouTube Red. Chrome 46 for iOS arrives with multitasking support. Facebook has pushe Play