UK government wants rules for A.I. EA laying off 6% of workforce. WWDC 2023 coming June 5 to 9. Microsoft releases Play
Will the UK ban WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Other Messaging Services? Hundreds of thousands of people have asked Play
Facebook decides to sell its data to third party websites for advertising. Google and Adobe come together to put Play
SOCA Gets a pasting in a DDOS Attack but nothing secret was lost. Samsung Galaxy S3 is here with toys that look eas Play
Travelodge to have Free WiFi, Government backs down over Rioter Social Network Ban, Viewsonic Pad out Soon £315, F Play
HP Unveil the TouchPad at 00.00am then can their whole business at 1800 UTC...Why? TalkTalk are fined £3m for over Play
Britons are 'Paranoid for Computer Security...Try 'Sensible' more like, FTC investigates Google, Great Firewall of Play
Pricing going around for the upcoming Motorola Xoom tablet at $800!, LG getting into dual core smartphone market fi Play