HP Unveil the TouchPad at 00.00am then can their whole business at 1800 UTC...Why? TalkTalk are fined £3m for over billing of 65,000 customers, Dixons Stores Group say 3D TV is a goer...hmmm, Weather Layer added to Google Maps...Bill Giles has wood, Samsung twin screen patent looks juicy, Skype WiFi PAYG Service announced, 27k Koreans not Apple Happy, Logitech Gaming Mouse...With Cord? Space Vacations...£1m for 5 nights, EA to Release Desert Strike & Road Rash again...YES!!!!
All this and a lot more of the technology news from the previous 24 hours as well.
If you have a news story or press release send it to us at britishtechnews@gmail.com. http://www.britishtechnetwork.com