The Mac Show – Mountain Lions Only Bug – Show Notes

The Mac Show – Mountain Lions Only Bug – Show Notes
24 Aug 12

Mountain Lion appears to have a flawless entrance to the world of old and new Macs and even seems to be loving the older 2007 machines. Skype appears to not have caught up though as the consistent issue we are having with it on BIG Show and Mac are Mountain Lion related...Come on Skype sort it out.


Ewen Rankin @ewenrankin 
Kyle Swager @kyleswager
Chris Foresman @foresmac
Will Green @BritishMac

The Week in Mac

Mountain Lion. Installs going went without too many problems and takes around 3o mins. Older machines seem to be running smoother. Airplay support and powernap only for recent  Macs. (2011 onwards).
Chris Forseman has written an article on the theories behind Macs running smoother.

Notifications are only for apple supplied applications so far except Tweetbot and can be configured to specific mailbox's. Mountain Lion has built in Twitter support. Go to your mail/calendar account in system preferences and log in to Twitter.
Growl being updated.

Mountain Lion not compatible with Parallelsix at the moment.

"Save as" command is back. Go to file menu and press alt or option key.

Only slight bug is that reading lists sometimes wont synch across diffferent Macs. Go to other Mac and create a new entry to trigger the sych.

iWork upgraded including dictation and iCloud support. Free upgrade.

iCal and Address Book upgraded. Now called called Calendar and Contact.

Possibly moving to a 19pin from a 30pin  connector.

Looks like Apple are removing the password requirement for downloading free Apps.

Apple HD TV is coming in 2014 but for US only.

Cool Things

Don McAllister - Jettison. £1.49 from the App store.
Kyle Swagger - Free London Olympic App.
Chris Forseman - Air Parrot $9.99
Will Green - Tip 1, Chess in the Game Centre. Tip 2, Notification on Apple TV saying purchased movies. Send to Kindle.

Gazmaz finder tip.






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