The Mac Show – Command Line Cowboys – Show Notes

The Mac Show – Command Line Cowboys – Show Notes
19 Aug 12

With Mountain Lion one week old we fully expect Will to hate it, but no. There are some issues however. Users Battery Life, Failure to go to standby when lids are closed and Ewen has lost his fonts. Boo Hoo


Ewen Rankin @ewenrankin
Adam Christianson
Kyle Swager @kyleswager
Chris Foresman @foresmac
Will Green @BritishMac


The Week in Mac

The uptake of mountain Lion has been good but some users unhappy with Mountain Lions battery life compared to Lion.

Apple event is likely for 12th September. Rumours suggest the iPhone will have an 8 pins connector.

Thunderbolt to firewire adapters are out.

Mobile Me has officially ended and shut down. Sparks discussion on iCloud, Dropbox and Safari.

Cool Things

Adam - Free HTML5 weather app called sun.
Karl Swager - Fing free app on app store. Tool that Scans entire network.
Chris Foresman - Ticket to Ride
Will Green - google search for conways game of life. Also as you download an App click for more information and the date will show as 24th January 1984 which is when the original mac was launched. (Listen to the podcast for more information)
Ewen - Screencastonline monthly magazine is launched.







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