The Mac Show – Anchors….The Lot of Them – Show Notes

The Mac Show – Anchors….The Lot of Them – Show Notes
9 Jan 13

iTunes 11 is released and the response is mixed to harsh on the 'Fanboy Scale'. Don, Will, Chris, The Doc & Ewen discuss the week in Apple and answer a listeners question.

Ewen Rankin - @ewenrankin
Don McAllister @donmcallister
Andrew Stephens (Dr Happy Mac) @drhappymac
Chris Foresman @foresmac
Will Green - @BritishMac



Mac News

Apple releases iTunes 11 with "dramatically simplified user interface"

iTunes 11 now allows you to redeem gift cards using your computers camera.

New remote IOS app with revamped iPad interface, UpNext, and improved search.

Main Surface PRO Prices released.

Inside an unofficial third party lightning connector production facility.

Apple fires manager of Maps team

Former Apple SVP calls Forstall firing "deserved and justified"

New iMac, best with fusion drive or more memory.


Cool Thingys

Don- Take Five - £0.69 -

DHM - The Hydrogen Sonato novel

Chris - Iphone case with integrated phone lens. (No Link)

Will - Hunting for OSX -£0.69 -

Ewen - Memory Clean - Free -




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