DBrand Apple Pencil Skin

DBrand Apple Pencil Skin
11 Jun 16

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The Apple Pencil is a revolutionary product but lets be honest its...well, its pretty boring and sterile looking. Jonny may love it but its hardly a talking point through looks.

Then...I came across DBrand.com and it s changed my life.



Surprisingly, the pack actually contains 2 sets of skins, the proceeding, “how do I fit this” YouTube video, does mention that DBrand have done this just in case you get it a bit wrong….

So there are 2 skins for the main body of the pencil, 2 for the rubber end and 2 for the lead end, if you get me. DBrand have also added in a cloth, to remove dirt and sweat from the pencil before you apply it.


To be honest, with most of these, follow the instructions on YouTube instruction manuals, it looks easier that it actually is. 


I found it very easy to get my fingers all sticky and this made it a bit difficult to get it to fit.

You have to take the end cap off and then align as best you can, the think edge of the pencil body to the main skin, and hoping that you’ve done that right, follow down the length of the pencil, and then move round the circumference of the pencil, pressing the skin into place. If you’re lucky, it will join in a perfect fit. Right now, mine is a bit off. I may try again with the other sets of skins.

The lead part of the pencil, is a similar affair, again mine is a little bit off. The rubber end, needs a hairdryer and is the one  area of the skin that I’m least pleased with.

The YouTube video is very helpful, just a bit difficult to find the link on DBrand’s website.



For only $5.95 Canadian, its worth a go, even although you may be frustrated by the results, but then you can take the skin off and try again, or use the second skin.

Shipping to the UK is a bit on the expensive side, but hey, what’s new there.

Gary Millar


Ewen Rankin


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