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For once, there isn't an awful lot of news but that's never stopped us in the past and it doesnt stop us this week Play
We talke the weeks Tech News and much more. Ewen is joined byErik Lanigan, James Hart, Kelly Guimont, Alex Fox, Ian Play
Kindle holds a press event that just finishes as we take to the air. Nate Lanxon joins the team for the first time Play
Google Patents recognising Street furniture and we all agree that its pretty silly. Sarah goes hard on Apple v Sams Play
We have a full panel for this show and talk Everything Everywhere, Google and Microsoft's Logo change. Play
Adobe dumps Flash for Android. Engadget give a 'Back to School' list of HDTVs and The Tablet Market goes potty with Play
Google is in hot water and gets a record fine that's probably a fraction of their Annual Fizzy Drinks Bill and be a Play
Twitter has its issues this week with Tom Daly and a lunatic, The Robin Hood Airport Bomber...or not and Journalist Play
The Week's Tech News comes under the microscope with Ewen Rankin joined by James Hart, Erik Lanigan, Alex Fox & Play
Tom Merritt joins the team for his BIG Show debut and we discuss the Mayer of Yahooville, How sleep depravation is Play
Chris Woods, Sarah Gray, Erik Lanigan and James Hart join Ewen Rankin for a look at The Week's News in Technology a Play
Steve Naybour chairs a Live Panel with Erik Lanigan to discuss the merits and drawbacks of the Tablet Market. Play
Google I/O dominates the conversation and Erik Lanigan Hosts with Ewen on the Panel and is SO much better at it Play
Karl Madden steps in for Ewen and host this week and does a manful job. James Hart, Sarah Gray, Carey Holzman and A Play
Erik takes the helm on this weeks show with Sarah, James and Alex. Joe does the switching and reveals that he uses Play
The Department of Homeland Security issue the words to avoid in Communications unless you want some serious attenti Play
The Guinness Bubble Test gets tested, Erik's English Education continues and Paul Wheatley's Bandwidth gives out on Play
Julius gets a kicking and Facebook Photo App gets some kudos Play
Erik shows us the umbrella he made by stealing other peoples raincoats and we discuss whether Steve Ballmer really Play
Goggle Make great strides forward in driverless vehicles but we take the mickey anyway. The Weeks Tech News boiled Play