HP gets rid of the doddery old guy and brings in the girl from eBay...Who Knows? Facebook infiltrate your life and Play
With the suspected launch date of the iPhone 5 fast approaching the tech press is awash with rumours. My morning pe Play
With the current confusion regarding if iTunes Match will allow the user to stream music or simply download it in t Play
As the expected release of the iPhone 5 (or the 4Gs) approaches the time is coming when I reassess my phone of choi Play
Unless you have been sleeping under a rock the past few years, there has been a lot changing in the world of video Play
Netflix hits 47 territories including the UK in 2012, UK Advertising Standards Authority slaps Motorola Atrix Claim Play
Nokia slips and breaks itself...waits for demise...very sad, XBOX 360 for Star Wars is ESSENTIAL! LulzSec tries to Play
ASDA offers a £99 8inch tablet...Yes. Asda, University of Birmingham invents Bacteria Resistant Stainless Steel, A Play
Orange make out that 30Mb for £3 is good value, HP Touchpad is available for £399...ouch, RIM may have BB Messeng Play
Graphite Coated Sand makes clean water cheap, LulzSec calls time on their 50 Day Voyage, 80s Film 'War Games' is Play
I'm not sure exactly how it is in the rest of the world, but around my parts I have begun noticing something that I Play
Britons are 'Paranoid for Computer Security...Try 'Sensible' more like, FTC investigates Google, Great Firewall of Play
London Mac Group Follow Keynote LIVE with Bingo, Upcoming Apple store in Hamburg is Painted with Windows Logo, Nint Play
Andy Ihnatko joins the team for his monthly appearance on the Network (and as usual perhaps regrets it afterwards) Play
With an Apple News drought the wheels come of a bit and through the whole podcast we all sit with breath baited for Play
Quite possibly the most random of shows in a long time. Robert X Cringely, long time columnist and tech pundit join Play
Yes iMacs arrived as rumoured...Hussar! Target Display disappears for all us grunts, Vodafone lets you charge in yo Play
Kyle is GOT! Yes the problems of not reading the questions before you ask them hits the big man this week and Alex Play
This weeks show gets off to a slick start, we discuss some Apple stuff along with Cate Middleton's eyebrows and the Play
Android users are getting more free apps then iPhone users, Apple has made more money so far this year then Microso Play