Microsoft releases update fix Windows 10 and 11 screenshot privacy bug. No more Xbox Game Pass $1 trial offers. Som Play
AMD and Intel going head-to-head wirh Acer’s Swift 3. Roku launches program for third-party soundbars. Ring addin Play
Bob Swan becomes permanent CEO at Intel. Hulu will show ads when videos are paused. Facebook's internal iOS apps ha Play
Google doesn’t dispute claims third-party developers read your Gmail! Netflix might charge you even more for 4K v Play
Water-resistant AirPods coming soon? Net neutrality changes start on April 23rd. Intel bringing 5G to laptops in 20 Play
Apple has released security updates for iOS, MacOS Intel will patch all recent chips by the end of the month Nokia Play
Jimmy Iovine confirms Apple Music’s original video content. Apple testing feature that alerts users when their di Play
So we recently wanted to be able to turn our TV screens in the offices and warehouses into information displays to Play
Microsoft bringing 'mixed reality' to every Windows 10 PC. Google will fight the next iPhone with it's own phones. Play
LastPass has serious flaw. Apple to start charging for iTunes Radio. Microsoft says new processors will only work w Play
BlackBerry will only release Android smartphones this year. Intel has developed a new smartphone with a 3D RealSens Play
Microsoft confirms Windows 10 will launch globally on July 29. Intel confirmed its $16.7 billion acquisition of Alt Play
BlackBerry hopes to make a mark with a big Leap. Netflix to start streaming to Australia and New Zealand this month Play
Windows 8.1 overtakes XP. BMW bringing Drive Now to London. iPhone 6 front camera is slipping. Google Glass switchi Play
Will Green ponders what he can 'Do without', Will Green causes Ewen yet MORE editing and we talk the weeks Apple Ne Play
Intel to test its 'Smart Cities' theory out on afraid, be very afraid. Watchdog Fines firm over Andro Play
Roku is available for Pre Order in the UK, Ubisift is in good shape...Good News if you like Assassins Creed/Splinte Play
UK 4G Spectrum delayed by 6 months, Orange Strikes Deal with Deezer, Carol Bartz is canned as CEO of Yahoo, Kodak Play
O2 Service Affected by Theft today, Sky and Virgin Agree the 3D Glasses have got to go, Porn industry is NOT convin Play
Erik Lanigan, Kyle Swager, James Hart, Sarah Gray & Ewen Rankin discuss the ins and outs of the weeks tech news Play