Now there’s no denying that using AirPlay to stream content from your iOS device to an Apple TV is pretty awesome but what if you’re not in possession of that cute little hockey puck? Well if you’re a PC owner you can still take advantage of this over the air protocol. In the coming weeks I’ll be filling you in on multiple ways of how to install AirPlay on numerous devices and how to get the best out of it.
Today we’re talking streaming your audio and out of all the solutions I've tried Shairport4w is one not to be missed. It’s a freeware app and just so simple. The executable which is only 660kb runs in your Windows system tray and you can configure it to either auto start when your PC turns on or just run it at your leisure.
When running it automatically appears as an AirPlay enabled device on your network. Here at home I have a media centre PC plugged into my TV and a computer in my office so when walking around the house I can just push the audio from my iPhone and iPad to the device of my choice. You can also configure the names of all the computers you have Shairport4w on so you know where you’re sending your tunes, and as AirPlay is integrally linked to your WiFi network you can push data no matter where you are in the house. It also pushes album art which is pretty nifty.
So if you’re looking for a solution to move your tunes from one room to another seamlessly then this is certainly worth a look.
Paul Wright