This is an app that was released at the end of last year but the reason I’m reviewing it now is that Minigore 2 is now free in the App Store to celebrate the games developer Mountain Sheep’s fourth anniversary of the release of the original Minigore game on iOS.
The game itself is mindlessly simple. It’s literally a shoot, hack, slash and hammer em up. You’re thrown into an insanely detailed world and believe me the graphics are amazing where the only aim is to survive. You are then bombarded by scores of flesh eating foes and all you have to do is to annihilate everything in your path with whatever comes to hand and man are there a lot of weapons, many of which you’ll pick up as you carve a bloody path through your enemies but there is also loot to collect which can then be used to enhance your experience.
In every level there’s a shop where you can purchase weapons and upgrades. You can also use your coins to add other characters and even gain access to other levels.
All of the characters are great fun to play and while you’re dismembering the un-dead they come out with some great one liners which just adds a really humorous edge to the proceedings.
As the title suggests there is gore-a-plenty and every action results in a bloody mess everywhere you go.
The controls are in the dual stick style with the left thumb enabling your movement and the right the barrage of munitions to blow holes in your foes.
It’s really satisfying to play and like all good iOS games really simple to dip in and out of as you please. Like I say the game is currently free for a limited time but having now played it I wouldn't mind shelling out the 69p asking price. Grab it now!
Paul Wright