Ricky Gervais Offends the World

Ricky Gervais Offends the World

Ricky Gervais hosts the Golden Globes and just about leaves no group unoffended, The Social Network Cleans up, TalkTalk offers 40mbps for the lucky few, Facebook opens up your Home Address to Devs, Troops told to Tweet Away, Apple gets to 10Bn App Downloads, iPad 2 rumours gather momentum at Best Buy, French ISP Orange is throttling, Blackberry Storm 3 is on the way, World Sends 107 Trillion Emails in 2010, HP Promises WebOS on everything, Thieves damage traffic lights in JoBerg, Dell Adamo $2000 down to $700, Happy Birthday Wikipedia...10 Years Old

All this and a lot more of the technology news from the previous 24 hours as well.

If you have a news story or press release send it to us at britishtechnews@gmail.com. britishtechnetwork.com

