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Apple release their results and Tim blames rumours of the iPhone 8 for the trouble with 7. Doc then goes into overd Play
We talk about the Apple iPhone 8 rumours despite the fact that Doc hates them and also try to understand how on ear Play
Not much news but there's a scary thought that Apple may remove the glass cube over the 5th Avenue Apple Store and Play
Yep, despite there being new Mac Pros to discuss and some real news we spend more time talking about cats sinking c Play
The usual suspects come together to debate the distinct lack of Apple News thats out there Play
It's another BIG/MAC Show! What is the week in tech when you have heroes to help you out. Super! That's what! Wrigh Play
The News is a bit light around Apple this week so Doc drops out some wood for us to ogle Play
Sorry for the late posting of the show but life and work got in the way. All the fun of the Apple News in one easy Play
Its been a while since Apple updated some lines and whilst Tim says he cares about Pros...we ask what it would take Play
There was no Mac Show this week so we combined it with the Big Show. Hope you enjoy it. Wrighty takes the reigns fr Play
Chuck makes a welcome return to the panel (apologies for the clippy audio, it does calm down) and we talk the WWDC Play
Yeah its one hell of a Friday with a trip to the Genius Bar with a 30 year old Mac and all the news from Apple. Play
Yes Justin is obviously desperate for work and has taken on the Huawai Mate 9 as his latest advertising project. We Play
Yes we talk Pina's and Airpods amongst what is actually a pretty good news week all things considered Play
Some great discussions this week even though we are light on News. Apple Tech Discussed by the usual suspects. Play
Yes Santa drops by for the traditional Christmas Quiz and all hell breaks loose. There is swearing and adult themes Play
Christmas Parties calve a massive hole in the guest list and in the end, me and Adam are the only ones talking the Play
We sit with the usual crew and chew over the lack of Apple News this week. Play
Patrice flies in all the way from Germany just for the shows...and I take him to a German Market and for a curry of Play
Staying positive is this week's mantra as Don rejoins the team for a look at the week's news in all things Apple Play