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Jeff sleeps thru his alarm but like a true trooper he still manages to make an a hat (thats an in j Play
Yeah Apple sets up some cool Privacy 'Nutrition' Labels, the iPhone is definitely delayed and only the top phone is Play
Chuck Joiner poses the greatest question of the 21st Century right at the start of the show and then we try and mak Play
Ewen misses the trains home so Patrice does the mighty job of stepping in to fill the void. Great Mac Show from a g Play
The Fortnite Saga really kicks off this week with Apple and Google pulling the game from The Stores and Epic hittin Play
Maria from SetApp slides by and tells us all about whats coming up for SetApp and also walks away with a huge shopp Play
Ewen has to stand aside this week so Jeff, BRAVELY, steps forward to stream and host. Those of you watching the liv Play
Well its the one before a very scaled down bash but it doesnt stop us from emulating all of the other 'Bash Casts' Play
That lazy git Rankin returns to host the show finally. Greenie makes an appearance and we all try and make not much Play
The usual suspects wade thru the Apple News and views Play
Patrice heads up the panel for more fun and games Play
Make sure you don’t rub Doc up the wrong way on this weeks Mac Show. Play
This week, Patrice heads up the panel with support from a great crew in Jeff, Brett, Chuck and Callum. Play
The Weeks Apple News in Focus and as there isnt much...a few ratholes! Play
Ewen has internet issues so Patrice steps in and does a great job steering the ship, All the Mac News from the usua Play
Yes, not much news but we manage to veer back on to US Serial Killers and ask the ultimate question of Doc. All the Play