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This week we look at Spotify and ask if it can survive the onslaught of 'Free' Radio apps. And we look at the party Play
Sorry for the delay in posting. Work has intervened. Normal service will be resumed next week Play
This week, Jeff Bezos suggests something which I cant see happening before he is already dead and still get the med Play
This week, we roar at the lady who was 'fined' by a website under terms and conditions of sale that couldn't apply Play
Rich Harkness joins us to talk tech...but cant start his camera. Jeff graces his very own network and is taken ab Play
Karl loves the idea of being driven around Milton Keynes in a pod whilst pissed and even contemplates buying a hors Play
There is a total cock up in booking the show this week but we muscle through and actually have a great time. The We Play
Tom Merritt joins us this week to discuss the weeks BIG Tech Stories and Lenny Hart gives us the view of Tesco HUDL Play
Yes. Jeff Gamet finds the story of the week by some distance. Only Paul Wright sticks to the subject at hand...Tech Play
Oh what a scratch team has been put together tonight. The weeks tech...ok not much of the week's tech is talked but Play
We bring a story along and have a good time discussing the week in tech. Welcome return to Alex Fox as well. Play
Tom Merritt joins the team for a wander through the week's Tech News Play
Carey Holzman makes a welcome return to the show and despite getting off to a sober start, once Carey whips out his Play
This week Jeff Gamet, Paul Wright and Richard Harkness join Karl Madden to discuss the weeks tech news. Yahoo is gr Play
This week Yahoo shows it's new colours….well,logo. Samsung shows us it's new line up and gets into the watch busi Play
The usual suspect discuss the week in Tech with a few odd stories making the discussions, not the least of which is Play
Tom Merritt joins the usual panel this week for the news that Mr B has/is quitting Microsoft. The tech does its bes Play
We have a change of format and everyone turns up with a couple of stories. We liked it, what did you think? Jeff Ga Play
Paul Wright (our busy new reviewer) joins the team to discuss the week's tech and has some incredible insight into Play
Russia plans to censor swearing in social networks and in honour of this some members of our panel decide to brush Play