I remember when I first switched over to Apple about 10 years ago, to be an Apple Fanboy meant that you had some hype and excitement over Apple and their products and services.
Now…I’m not so sure.
Not 5 years ago, if you suggested that a new Apple products might do something or look like something else and function in a super cool way, Apple Fanboys would say “Oh Yeah, that would be great…and then you could…”.
The creative mind would take over rational thought. Endorphins would flood your system at even a hint of seeing something that had ‘Super Cool’ or ‘Sub-Zero’ tattooed through its very fabric. The dilating of pupils, the reddening of your face and neck at the arousal of something that would set your pulse racing was palpable and irresistible
But then everyone had one. And Journalists devoted a mass of column inches to them. And then the rumours got popular too and the Fanboys would trumpet them regardless of consequence. We didn’t need any proof. We just needed hope.
Then, enter The Doubters. Those who realized, with a slide rule, that quantum of rumour far outweighed the quantum of reality and it became easier to say ‘BLAH’ and to squash the hopes of those of us daring to dream. And yes we all knew that for Apple to realize all those dreams would require more R&D and production hours than there were people on the planet. But it didn’t matter…we were fanboys and that’s what we did. We followed Steve no matter what.
Then Steve died and a nice bloke, if boring, called Tim took over. And those that dared to dream were marginalized and spat on by The Doubters. They knew that, statistically speaking, if they kept poo-pooing the rumours, they would be right more than wrong and anyway, being negative about something was now way cooler than being hopeful. And slowly, ever so slowly, The Doubters won.
I’m not an Apple fanboy but I get it. I’m not a Doubter but I get that too. I’m a lover of technology and gadgets and all things that take your money and promise the world and end up not one year later on eBay or in an office drawer. But I love hope.
Good on Apple for trying to dream. Good on the fanboys for daring to rumour and ‘BOO’ to The Doubters who pour water on the flames of people’s desire.
Bring me a rumour. I’ll publish it. Because the dreams of the past are the reality of the future. Thank you Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, Isaac Asimov, H.G.Wells and yes even George Orwell and more. The world I live in today is better for rumours and dreams. Bring ‘em on!
Ewen Rankin