For A phone that is certainly just trying to keep up with Android, and the iPhone this is really not good news for Microsoft's Windows Phone 7. If your worried about how much data your Phone 7 is using, then read on.
Many complaints are coming in all from all over the globe about what a data hog their Phone 7 is being, and how people have eaten up their monthly data limit in only a matter of 20 days. Some subscribers are saying that between 30 and 50MB of data is being used every day, while other estimates are showing idle data usage for Windows Phone 7 is around 3-5 Mb per hour.
So what on earth is causing this? While this may scare you, it should come as no surprise that Microsoft doesn't have a clue either. Microsoft has issued a statement saying that "it is investigating why some handsets running its Windows Phone 7 software are sending and receiving phantom data" and "will determine the root cause and update everyone with information and guidance as it becomes available."
Phantom data you say? From my view here its looking more like Big Brother to me.
Kyle Swager
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