Real Golf is just anything BUT Real
This game is from the makers of 'Lets Golf' and quite why they bothered I'm not sure. Lets Golf is playable, fun, easy going and just plain nice. This is really just utter rubbish, dressed in some lighting effects and with a price tag which most will gladly throw £5 at, but don't
The App Store is SCREAMING out for decent sports games and these guys could have delivered it but instead they turned up with uncontrollable tripe. A golf bag with half a set of clubs in it and turgid graphics which could have been produced on a Windows PC 5+ years ago.
Yes its only £4.99 but its realistic price is £0.69. I would gladly pay £30 for a decent golf game on the platform but there isnt one. Charge me £4.99 for Lets Golf and I would pay it, but £4.99 for this tut is a crime. Come on Apple, take you $72bn and subsidise EA or some other proper game producer house to produce various sports games which are something of note not the utter drivel which is being served up in your Store.
Steve Jobs famously once told the CEO of Nike to 'stop selling crap' and Apple need to do the same, the Apps store is full of this crap taking peoples money and dispensing utter rubbish
Until then buy Lets Golf, its way more fun and more playable. This isnt worse because its hard to control, its worst because it ticks none of the boxes for a sports game
Ewen Rankin