NYC’s Turd Power

NYC’s Turd Power

Goggle One Pass takes on Apple at only 10%, Warner Beats subscriptions with Apps, Music Labels in the UK Start to see streaming to smartphones as the answer, Sony are to Launch a Tablet...Hmmm, Skype will take every employee that Nokia don’t want, NFC in any phone you own for $20, Gemalto wants to give you Facebook on every phone you own, VoIP Inc sues Google, Goggle Shows off Ice Cream Features, iPhone 4 wins Best Phone at MWC...Isn’t there. NYC is powered with Turds, Recon 6.0 programs kids, Desk TankBot for iOS, Plex Media for Android, Randall Stephens says “Boo Hoo Hoo, Tell them Mom they took my iPhone!” Windows Phone 7 in the Mac App Store, Watson Wins it all and finally...”BitTorrent is to Movies what Bolt Cutters are to Stealing Bikes”

All this and a lot more of the technology news from the previous 24 hours as well.

If you have a news story or press release send it to us at

